Cache DEFI Project
2 min readDec 12, 2021


How to create a crypto wallet. You got this!

When I first started looking at getting into cryptocurrency I didn’t quite know what to do, how I should make a wallet and what I could do with it.

When we started our project one of the first things we developed was a video on helping people who may not be technically savvy when it comes to cryptocurrency. Or is brand new to the cryptocurrency.

The step are easy and it very simple. Just pause as you need to. You got this.

Our video on how to set up a crypto wallet with MetaMask.

Create a wallet:

If you get stuck and need another visual Binance has a good set of instructions.

How to add Biance Smart Chain to your wallet. Smart Chain:

If you want to add our token or any other Bep-20 token use these steps:

Step one:

Click on import tokens.

Step 2: Add the contract address.

Our token address is: 0xe505fe8b17f3b678d31db080451c16a4dc819df8

It looks long but just cut and paste. Both the token symbol and the token decimal should self populate. If it doesn’t check to make sure you added Binance Smart Chain. The add custom token will turn blue and you will be able to click it. Once you click it you will add the token to your wallet.

Step 3: Check to see if the token was added.

See all done.






